
Vision, Mission, Values


To foster social mobility and financial inclusion among Zimbabwean youth through financial literacy, work readiness and entrepreneurship


To prepare and inspire young people in Zimbabwe to succeed in a global economy.


Let their success be your inspiration

Impact Statement

JA prepares young people for employment and entrepreneurship


• Integrity
• Innovation
• Inclusivity
• Collaboration
• Digitalization

JA Focus Areas

Financial Literacy:

Tailor-made programs targeting youth within the 6 and 35 year age quintile. Young people are guided through understanding finance both for business growth and personal financial well being. Age appropriate programs and activities are used to deliver this component.

Work Readiness:

Mostly targets young people within the 14 to 25 year age quintile. Young people are prepared for the world of work through career fairs, job shadows and internships. They are taught work related life skills (interpersonal skills) which are the bedrock of employ-ability skills especially for college leavers who will be looking for a breakthrough into the world of work.


Through age appropriate programs, young people of all ages are encouraged to start and run a business either in school or in their homes and communities. The program encompasses business training; mentorship; incubation; equipment aid; supplier, finance and market linkages.