Mitchel Ndlovu is a 21 year old female from Hatcliff Extension, Harare who survives through making beads and selling them. She joined JA and had Entrepreneurship and financial literacy classes at Hatcliff Community Hall.
“I learnt a lot of things which include how to save money, writing business plans, how to manage them, and making my business professional. Before she joined the JA program she was making beads as a hobby, but after the trainings that she did she now sees business in a different angle. “I was one of the lucky people to have been supported by JA Zimbabwe. They helped boast my existing business by buying more beads for me so as to make more products,” she said. Mitchel said now she is able to create a lot of beads and the demand has even risen. Before, l was selling few beads which generated a few profits but now l make more and the demand is rising as well. I am so grateful to JA Zimbabwe for empowering us and helping us achieve our own dream, this has changed my life.
#YouthEmpowerment #Entreprenuership #FinancialLiteracy #