Junior Achievement Zimbabwe students from Safe and Inclusive Cities (SAIC) were recently awarded a silver medal in the Hospitality and Tourism/Curios category at the just ended 6th edition of the SMEs International Expo in Harare.
The SMEs Expo was a 4 day event and youths had an opportunity to exhibit their businesses and also forge new business ventures.
The award is a testimony of what JA Zimbabwe is doing for youths around the country. It affirms the organization as a thought impact leader for youth skills development in entrepreneurship, financial literacy and work readiness. The award is a reflection to what JA’s mandate is and what is required of us.
As JA Zimbabwe we are so proud to be honored with such an award. It shows that as an organization we are working to bring an impact to our youths.
The organization empowers young people of SAIC through entrepreneurship education, giving them the skills to start and run their own businesses.